During your visits to this website, you may wish to make enquiries from us thereby providing us with your personal information.

This privacy policy applies to everyone who uses this web site and whose identity we become aware of by reason of such use.

We will only collect your personal information where this is necessary to provide services or address issues requested by you.

The use to which we can put your personal information depends on the reason for which it was collected. In addition, we may use your personal information to statistically analyze usage of this web site, and to improve our content and offerings, but we will ensure that your identity can no longer be ascertained from the information.

We respect your right to privacy. We will therefore take all reasonable steps to keep your personal information strictly confidential. We will only disclose it without your consent if this is required by law.

Under no circumstances will we sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information.

We may record and store personal information which we collect from you and where we do so, we will take all reasonable steps to keep it secure and prevent unauthorized disclosure.

However, we do not promise that your personal information cannot be accessed by an unauthorized person and we make no warranties regarding the websites you access from links provided on this website.

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