Nexusemfo Technologies provides excellent and superior mud services to assist oil and gas production companies drill, complete and produce oil and gas wells around the world.

We provide a range of mud services such as Mud Engineering and supply of Drilling Fluids.

We provide reliable mud engineering services which has made us one of the reputable mud engineering service providers in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry.

We have highly experienced mud engineers who have worked on various mud engineering projects across the oil and gas industry.

Our mud engineers have the capabilities to run various types of mud systems under different well conditions:
• Dispersed water based system
• Silicate system
• Non damaging drill in fluid system
• Diesel oil based system
• Potassium sulphate inhibitive system
• Polymer glycol system
• Synthetic oil based system
• KCI polymer system

With the backup of our state-of-the-art mud laboratory in Lagos, Nigeria, our mud engineering service division has the capabilities of providing immediate solution to various field problems.

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